Thursday, February 23, 2012

Polaroid Colorpack II - Part Deux

Hey, all you guys and guyettes, no, no I haven't given up digital.  Digital remains my weapon of choice, and what I enjoy using for my photography.  It's just that I've gotten on this Polaroid bender and I need to play it out. 

Abandoned Home - hazy overcast
Anyway....I bought another Polaroid the other night.  More on that in a later post, but in the meantime I had the opportunity to shoot some black and white using my ultra-retro Polaroid Colorpack.  This time I used Fujifilm 3200B which is high ISO (sorry ASA for the film geeks).  I shot several indoors images using the high ISO film, and no joy, the images were too dark.  I then switched to outside shots in moderate to bright lighting and wow, the quality is right out of the 60's.  So buttery and smooth. 
Lamp Post at Starbucks
No one is home
I did buy some Flashcubes online, but alas my $1 Goodwill purchased Colorpack II doesn't seem to work with flashcubes.  They didn't fire, so it appears for this camera I'm stuck with outdoors or high light images.

Anyway, the camera has minimal settings. There is a light / dark dial on the front of the camera.  When I went outside I set the dial to the middle setting.  I spent all my time making sure I set the distance dial correctly and focusing on the composition.  Bottomline, the images are NO way close to the quality you can get using digital, but there is something uber about pushing the shutter release and pulling the film out of the camera and peeling the backing off of it.  So retro.  A good compliment to my digital life.

It's always a good time for Santa
Enjoy diversity.

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