Thursday, April 28, 2011

Andy Chen, Part Deux

Went to a photography showing and talk yesterday evening by Andy Chen at Kellar Mahaney Gallery in Zionsville, IN. Andy’s exhibit is titled “City Squared”. Approximately a dozen stark, moody images taken with his camera phone.

I find it amazing the quality you can get from camera phones even in large format prints. Compliments of Lightroom and Photoshop, and of course a skilled photographer.

I met Andy at other showings previously, and he was a guest judge at the Indianapolis Photo Venture Camera Club meeting this month. He has a good eye and skills as a photographer. I like his ability to skillfully critique an image as well.

His talk was Q&A format, and jumped around a number of photography, workflow & technique questions. He reemphasized and referred to several similar comments I wrote in an earlier blog post. One of the questions I found interesting was “what is fine art photography”. It was an interesting discussion and honestly, I don’t think we came away with an answer, not that I think there really is one. Another question I was interested in was, “does a photograph’s print size matter”. I asked this because I enjoy “larger scale” images. He said they did, which to be honest surprised me.

Overall, it was a nice casual discussion at the gallery.

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