Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fall Colors in Brown County

The weather started out rainy today, but I decided to head south to the Brown County State Park near Nashville, IN. I figured if I missed going out this weekend I wouldn't have a chance to go until after the leaves were all on the ground.

The photoshoot turned out well. The only problem was that yellow was the color du' jour. Not much variety.

This shot is taken with my new Nikon D300s, and a Tokina 12-24mm wide angle lens. I purposely blocked the sun to get the exposure and then moved the camera slightly to let the sun peek through. Wanted to get a flair effect.

Too bad I don't live in Canada any more. This is a great "I Am Canadian" shot ... get it a maple leaf. Anyway, this was taken with my Nikon D200 using a Nikkor 18-135mm lense. F-stop set almost as wide as it could go at 4 so that I could get maximum DOF blurring of the background.

Took lots of pictures today, which I try to do whenever I go out. Now it's your turn, pick up your camera and shoot away.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Wow, A Really Long Time

Where does the time go? This summer has been uber-busy to the point that I didn't get a chance to post anything on the blog. OK, so I'm going to try to get back into it again, and add more than just photo commentary.

First off, this past Saturday I went to an exhibit / showing of a local photographer, Paul D'Andrea, that I know at a studio here in Indianapolis called, Wug Laku's Studio & Garage. It's in an industrial area near downtown. After driving around a bit I finally found it. The studio has a cool vibe about it.

Paul's photographs were really good. Lots of nature images and textures. Very appropriate for the fall. He does some great stuff, especially his strobist work and some of his city scenes (which I particularly like).

If you are in the area check out Wug's. I'm going to get on their mailing list and hit a few of their openings.

Oh, BTW, go out and take photos.